Friday, April 12, 2013

Fighting against the Fat Tax

In “The American Right to Super Size,” Ashley Mcintosh discusses the possibility of the government implementing a “fat tax.” She continues to explain that these taxes would affect both the obese in the form of higher healthcare and an overall taxation on foods that have a high content of fat or sugar. Ashley then goes to argue that these fat taxes would not only be ineffective but that it is an American right to be able to purchase food of their choice. She then gives the reader alternative solutions to fighting the fat tax which would still go after the desired results including; mandating better physical education programs in schools, regulating additives & preservatives, and lowering the cost of healthy items. 
I agree with Ashley that taxation is not an effective method in lowering obesity rates and she has made a strong argument with supporting research to show better alternatives. If we want to lower the obesity rate in America we need to make healthier options more acceptable to the public. I full heartedly support the idea of regulating the food industry in regards to additives and preservatives, these substances are not only unnecessary but as Ashley states, addictive. The only thing I would have liked to see Ashley touch more on in her argument would be the importance of educating the public on healthy lifestyles. If we want to see real change I believe that healthy foods not only need to be more accessible but we also need to have better educational programs showing why these are better options. 

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